Find Jewish Community in Walla Walla

We are a small but thriving Reform Jewish synagogue in Walla Walla. Our community meets regularly to celebrate Shabbat and the holidays. We welcome Jews of all denominations, friends, and family to our services. Learn more about the beliefs and practices of Reform Judaism.

Over the years, we have been well served by our dedicated lay leaders, as well as visiting rabbis and rabbinical students who have helped lead services for the High Holy Days. Our congregation also works closely with Whitman’s Kehilat Shalom to offer support and guidance to Jewish students.

Shabbat Services

First Friday of Every Month, 7:00 pm


Congregation Beth Israel
1202 E. Alder St.
Walla Walla, WA

Kabbalat Shabbat followed by a light oneg.

Calendar of Events

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Growing Our Jewish World

Our community has other events not posted here, including social activities and events appropriate for families with small children. If you are Jewish and new to town, please get in touch with us!